Thursday, January 7, 2021

 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:4)


I’m glad to point out that as of December 21st, the days started getting brighter. It might not feel brighter emotionally, but if you’re feeling like me, I could definitely use more light this time of year.

The highway leading out of Gitanyow.

January is one of the toughest months for myself and others that suffer seasonal depression, especially those up North. Living in the northwest, this is when we lack the most vitamin E from sunlight. There is rain scheduled most of the week until Saturday. sigh. Please re-read my blogpost of January 2018 on how to better understand what people like myself are going through.

 I am so thankful for my hope and strength in “the light that shines in the darkness.” God promises never to leave or forsake us. Christ is ever present, despite how I might feel. There are many in darkness, who lack the knowledge of what Christ does for them. In their struggles, they will turn to other means to fill that void of the Christ light in their lives. And others, who do know, will still fall into sinful habits.

I am encouraged that we have that hope, and we can be a light to others my family, friends and people who I come in contact with on a daily basis (under COVID-19 guidelines, of course). If you are reading this and someone has come to mind that you feel the need to talk too, stop reading and call them.  You will be a blessing in their life today.

 And, if you are still reading this or just got back from talking to that person who came to mind, here is an update on the many questions I get asked:

 I do not know when I will be able to travel into Canada.

The LAMP staff and our interim executive director will be working with our volunteers to figure out what ministry might look like this summer.

 The last I heard from a friend of mine up North, there are still cases of COVID being reported.

 Yes, I believe the Seattle Seahawks will make the Super Bowl. (I know, that’s not a ministry related question but often a topic of discussion.)

Yes, I still am looking for support with my fundraising efforts. Pledge $50 (or more) per month and double your impact. Ask me how.

 Will you pray with and for me? As we focus on staying connected to the people God places in our lives, we can help them connect to the light -- to the One who can heal us, unite us, and redeem us.  Our mission hasn’t changed and the needs are even greater. Your prayers for God’s wisdom and leading are especially vital as we look to minister from a distance.

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