Sunday, August 27, 2023

 I realize this newsletter is long overdue. Since my last newsletter, a lot has happened. Aftering finishing my spring semester in May, I flew out to Nebraska and helped drive our daughter home from school. Following the replacement of our water main and completion of a few more projects, I went to Concordia Irvine for my summer session.

I was introduced to Peiper, who wrote three volumes on the Lutheran doctrines; something my father read at seminary, and my grandfather had Peiper as a professor when he too attended seminary. Finally, I was able to take a class that I wanted, homiletics 1, and I look forward to using some of the new skills learned when I have to preach. Despite the cool weather in Irvine, it was great to be there and meet the new incoming students and spend time with my cohort.

Some of the CMC students, their spouses, and the staff attended the Mariner’s game when they came to play the Anaheim Angels…and the Mariners won!

I was home for a few quick days before driving North for most of July. Please keep the teams in your prayers. There have been many deaths all for different reasons. Two weeks ago, there were four funerals in the Hazelton area. While in Gitanyow last week, there were two deaths in one family, including the death of a son of a family that we know fairly well.

Please pray for relief from all the fires, there are several burning out of control in northern B.C. which is creating a lot of smoke. Some of you might be dealing with the smoke coming from the wildfires in Canada. 

An out-of-control wildfire near Cedarvale, which is about 26 miles from Gitanyow.

Your prayers are most appreciated. I will have more details on our summer ministry once the last mission team is in B.C. in August. Until then, I hope your summer is going well. 

God’s peace be with you,


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