Thursday, June 3, 2021

A few years ago, I decided to get back into running. I ran a lot in high school and college and enjoyed it. Nearing middle age, and with the weight starting to show, I realized the need to exercise. I was also missing the joy of running.  Because it had been a while since I ran, I knew I had some work to do. What inspired me was seeing a friend post her times from a half marathon where she averaged an 8 minutes and 20 seconds mile, a time I believed I could easily beat and brag about.  However, on my first few runs, I noticed my strides and body had changed from 20 years ago. I wasn’t just way out of shape, but time away and body changes truly affected how I ran.


I feel and fear COVID has and will be affecting us in the same way. Not on our bodies or how we run but socially and within ministry. How we used to enact and conduct ministry will be different. How different? We don’t know yet, and that scares me. Like a lot of us, I want this to go back to the way things used to be, but two years of socially distancing, wearing masks and keeping to small gathering sizes will definitely have an effect. Will we want to go back to two-hour long meetings in person or prefer to be online where we can browse the internet or chat with others (assuming some aren’t paying attention)? Will we try to fast forward through a church service only to realize we are in person and not online? Will we have to re-train ourselves including the need to leave earlier to get to work because of traffic?


As most of you know, LAMP will not be sending teams into the communities this summer. This is the second year in a row. It’s concerning as we hear and feel the need to be with our friends in the North. The heart of the ministry with our First Nations communities is the relationships, the face-to-face visits, and spending time with people. It is through those relationships that we teach and share about God’s great love for all people. It’s hard to do that from a distance.


Last year, we attempted a virtual VBS but found that kids were spending time outside, which is a blessing. This year we are planning to send backpacks with Bible focused activities for the kids to complete. We also hope to connect online if possible. We are praying that God will use this program to encourage and help kids and the families know they are loved by God.


The means might have changed, but the mission of sharing the gospel with the First Nations people of northern Canada remains the same. We may not know exactly where God is leading, but we do know that God invites us to follow Him and is with us every step of the way. Take a look at Paul in Acts 27 & 28. While in prison and shipwrecked on the way to a trial, he saves the life of those on the ship and witnesses God's great love for the people on the island Malta.


Please pray that the teams will successfully get their backpacks into their communities and that it will provide an effective way for the children to know about God’s love, stay connected, and grow in hope.